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Top Five Reasons to Choose Evaporative Air Conditioning

There are many air conditioning choices these days, it’s often overwhelming when it comes to choosing the right system for your home or business. Choosing an evaporative air conditioning system can provide many benefits to you and your family. Here are a few reasons why you should consider an evaporative system for your home or business.

Cost Effective

Evaporative air conditioning is generally cheaper to purchase and install when compared to ducted refrigerated air conditioners. Not only this, but evaporative Bonaire air conditioning systems are more cost effective to run. Evaporative systems are much more energy efficient when compared to refrigerated units, and can save a significant amount on energy bills. Not only are evaporative systems cheaper to install and run, they generally cost less to maintain over their lifespan with lower service and maintenance costs.

Creating Comfort

Refrigerated air conditioners remove moisture from the air and can create a dry environment which can be irritating to the skin and eyes for some people. On the other hand, evaporative air conditioners produce moisture. This can be very beneficial for hot and dry climates as they keep the room temperature comfortable while adding moisture to the air.

Fresh Air

One of the best advantages of evaporative Bonaire air conditioning is the fact that they work with doors or windows open. Unlike refrigerated systems where everything must remain closed and air recirculates over and over, evaporative allows fresh air to continuously circulate throughout your home without affecting the temperature. This also means that smells and allergens are expelled from your home.

As well as good air circulation, evaporative air conditioners use a natural cooling process which doesn’t dry out the air. This is beneficial to those who find dry air irritating, and can help with symptoms related to asthma and allergies.

Environmentally Friendly

Evaporative air conditioners are much better for the environment when compared to other forms of air conditioning. Evaporative systems produce significantly lower levels of CO2, which is great for those concerned about their environmental impact. Evaporative air conditioners use less power than other systems and are a great way to remain comfortable during summer while lowering your carbon footprint.

Low Maintenance

Evaporative coolers require less maintenance than other forms of air conditioning. Evaporative systems generally need regular basic services to keep them running efficiency over their lifespan. Parts are usually simple and cost effective to replace when needed, saving money over the long term.

Evaporative air conditioners take advantage of an efficient and affordable form of cooling. Evaporative systems offer many benefits compared to other air conditioning units and are perfect for those who are looking for an environmentally friendly, low cost cooling solution for their home.

Evaporative systems provide many other benefits which include working well in open spaces and providing health benefits for those sensitive to dry environments. Bonaire air conditioning Perth provides the perfect solution for those who are seeking a cost effective, eco-friendly and allergy friendly form of cooling for their home or business.

Jeff Mouritz Gas & Air Conditioning Perth
Jeff Mouritz
1300 369 690
11 Yampi Way, Willetton WA 6155
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